George Bryant
Hugs & Bacon

George Bryant

Head Caveman
George Bryant is a professional Husband, Bonus Dad and family man. He is also personally and professionally passionate about people and their lives and businesses. Growing from his personal history of loss, challenges, abuse, and trauma as a result of his time in the Marines, George has developed and polished mental and lifestyle tools and hacks that have allowed him to push through and coexist with the human experience. George understands deeply the benefit of sharing life with other people. As a result, he shares his knowledge by teaching and coaching mindset tools on a personal level and developing and implementing conscious marketing products for businesses and entrepreneurs. Believing that the mediator between the head and the hands must be the heart, George brings unique and effective expertise to both individuals and business ventures. As a New York Time Bestselling author of The Paleo Kitchen, George also brings his massive mindset game to the world of food by training others to connect with the emotions and relationships that form the foundation of sharing meals with other people. When he shares himself through food and recipes, he uses the opportunity to dig below the food and embrace the humanity that runs through these cultural mainstays. George his time savoring every moment possible with his wife, Lindsey, his bonus daughter Cheyenne, and their newest addition Branson. He enjoys connecting with other people, taking ice baths, leveling up his life game, and using giant whiteboards to map out solutions that make a difference in the world.


Wednesday, September 13, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Influencer Summit